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Ventora Medical Receives Victorian Medical Research Acceleration Fund (VMRAF) Round 6 Grant

Ventora Medical, in collaboration with the Royal Women’s Hospital, has been awarded a tier 2 $258,973 research grant from the Victorian Medical Research Acceleration Fund (VMRAF).

The funding provided by the VMRAF program will support clinical investigations and further development of Ventora’s airway pressure monitoring device. Importantly, the VMRAF grant will enable Ventora to accelerate its commercialisation pathway.

Newborns frequently require breathing support, but clinicians lack quantitative feedback on how much support is delivered to the airway. Ventora is developing an airway pressure monitor that will enable accurate, continuous monitoring of breathing support delivery and allow clinicians to provide better, individualised treatment.

We are proud to partner with the Royal Women’s Hospital and grateful for this opportunity to further advance research and development efforts to positively impact neonatal care.


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